Innovation – I want to look ahead to understand what I need to do to bring my idea to life

The Innovation Flowchart gives a detailed overview of the various stages in an innovation process, listing the activities, requirements and goals of each stage. These include an overview of the different people, skills, activities and finances that a project or an organization might need in order to succeed. The structured overview this tool provides, helps […]
Strategy and Practice for Building a Strategic Website for your Business

The good news is that, nothing is really different from what we designers have had to deal with since the beginning of the Web. In this case, the technology has just improved and made it easier for us to deal with these variations. The first step in developing a responsive website (and one that can […]

WHAT STOPS PEOPLE FROM BUYING ONLINE? A lack of trust and face-to-face interaction prevents many people from purchasing online. It’s a known fact that consumers require a greater level of trust and confidence when buying online than face to face. When you’re dealing with an unknown shop selling products of unknown quality, trust plays a […]

When it comes to trust, psychologists make a distinction between two different types: cognitive and affective. Cognitive trust is knowledge-driven and, in this case, refers to your customers’ confidence in the reliability and competence of your service. When it comes to online shopping, this kind of trust stems from your customers’ previous experiences with your […]
Protection of Systems – Secure Development Business Processes

Secure Development The information security manager’s role in systems and software development is key. You will be required to ensure that the output from any development projects running in your organization (or outsourced to a third-party development company) is secure, whether they are creating a new line-of-business application or a new infrastructure capability . “But […]
Protection of Systems – What is Malware

Introducing Malware When we read about hacking in the news, we usually hear that massive corporates or government departments have been breached and some kind of corporate database has been stolen. We truly live in the age of the data breach , were hackers break into an organization’s infrastructure and purloin millions of records of […]

The concept of a strategy is often used to describe the way the business will grow or develop over a long period of time with a number of specific targets it wants to achieve: grow by 30%, establish a 55% market dominance, expand into Europe or Australia, and so forth. Strategic targets are often pitched […]
It’s Not Just About Technology: The People Side of Digitization

Anything that can be digitized will be digitized! The process of digitization affects almost everything in today’s organizations and puts huge pressure on these to change. Therefore, it is crucial for leaders to understand the implications of digitization on their organization and employees. Digitization not only changes the way of working, it also accelerates the […]
What is Competitive Intelligence?

CI – Competitive Intelligence Competitive intelligence (CI) has something of an image problem. The term conjures up an image of elicit activities involving private detectives, telephoto lenses and hidden microphones. While such images are not completely unappealing, they are far removed from the truth. Put simply, CI is a structured, ethical and legal process designed […]
Protection of People

Often the most vulnerable aspect of your enterprise is not your technology systems, instead it’s the weaknesses introduced by staff that are often the hardest to find yet the most harmful. Your staff might be simply unaware of what their security obligations are, or they might be complacent about security controls or internal procedures because […]