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360 Degrees Group Inc.


Enterprise systems are one of the most complex and powerful information systems in use today.


The architecture of an enterprise system refers to the technical structure of the software, the ways that users interact with the software, and the ways the software is physically managed on computer hardware. Most modern ES have either a three-tier client-server architecture or a service-oriented architecture. There are many different ways to deploy ES in these two architectures. Both models offer distinctive technical and cost benefits, and both models have drawbacks. Nevertheless, the impact of these two models on the management of business processes is largely the same. We examine both types of architecture below.

Client-Server Architecture

Think of a desktop application that you routinely use, such as word processing, spreadsheet, or presentation software. These applications consist of three components, or layers: (1) how you interact with the application (using menus, typing, and selecting); (2) what the application allows you to do (create formulas or charts, compose an essay); and (3) where the application stores your work (on your hard drive or flash drive). These layers are the presentation layer, application layer, and data layer, respectively. In the desktop applications mentioned above, all three layers are contained in one system.

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